In the background of growing hurdles for young generations to find good jobs with higher incomes to make feasible repayments, gigantic growth of students´s debts has become a key political issue
Lire la suitewhat kind of a milestone will it be? We can get some ideas from focusing on a few key issues, especially economic policy, which remain surrounded by much confusion in the public debate.
Lire la suiteOnly a few years ago governments, corporations, and energy analysts were fixated on the problem of “the end of cheap oil” or “peak oil,” pointing to growing shortages of conventional crude oil due to the depletion of known reserves.Today all of this has changed radically with the advent of what some are calling a new energy revolution based on the production of unconventional fossil fuels,
Lire la suiteHydrofracking turns out to be an ideal vehicle for explaining key economic concepts of market failure and market power.
Lire la suiteInvestor-state dispute settlement under the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the European Union and the Untied States would empower EU and US-based corporations "to engage in litigious wars of attrition to limit the power of governments on both sides of the Atlantic,"
Lire la suiteUnfortunately, the lavishly financed debt-scare crowd has the upper hand for now and is threatening to cut vital programs such as Social Security and Medicare. For that reason, and because in the long run our government will need more revenue for long-underfunded spending such as education and infrastructure, it is worth considering progressive measures to increase federal revenue.
Lire la suiteAfter an absence of well over half a century, Wall Street is back, center stage, as the preferred American icon of revulsion, a status it held for a fair share of our history.
Lire la suiteOccupy Wall Street, the ongoing demonstration-cum-sleep-in that began a month ago not far from the New York Stock Exchange and has since spread like wildfire to cities around the country, may be a game-changer. If so, it couldn’t be more appropriate or more in the American grain that, when the game changed, Wall Street was directly in the sights of the protesters.
Lire la suiteExperts anticipate that federal dollars going to state programs will be scaled back, with funding levels increasing only in targeted areas such as health care and energy. So shortfalls in state budgets will continue for years to come unless states either enact more cuts or update their antiquated tax systems.
Lire la suiteShifts in employment patterns and a tightening of eligibility requirements are behind the nationwide reduction in effective unemployment insurance coverage.
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