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IDO Secretariat / CADTM
345, avenue de l’ Observatoire
Belgium - 4000 Liège
Tel.: 00 32 ( 0 ) 4 226 62 85

About the IDO

The International Debt Observatory is born under the impulse of the Committee for the abolition of the Third World Debt (CADTM) and of the Left-wing Economists (EDI, Argentina) on January 28th, 2005 at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

The International Debt Observatory is a tool of exchange of knowledge, analyses and research on the problematic of the debt. Its aim is to provide precise analyses in most domains relating to problematic of the debt as well as a unique statistical database to the individuals and the organizations that study the mechanism of the debt and/or act for an alternative to the domination of the most powerful countries of the North.

The IDO does not especially substitute itself for the national and international campaigns on the debt. It rather stands at their sides as a resource to provide them of the detailed information and a recognized appraisal.

All those that wish an alternative to the present economic model that, via the debt, submits the populations of the countries of the South to the requirements of the creditors, with the complicity of the local potentates, are welcomed to join the IDO.

The IDO secretary office of the is held by the CADTM Belgium, that has built its website. The IDO website aims to encourage the collaborations between its members and to foster the research and the diffusion of their results.

1) The following people or bodies can become members:

# All individuals and organisations that try to find an alternative to the current system of public debt which submits the destinies of governments and populations to the creditors' demands
# All individuals and organisations that analyse debt-related issues and the policies developed by various creditors (whether private, bilateral or multilateral).

2) Member individuals and organisations commit themselves:

# to supply other members of the Observatory with any information they might have and with the analyses they have developed
# to carry out research, produce analyses and update debt-related issues.

3) The main channel of communication will be via the Internet.

4) Depending on the material means that its members can bring together, it will organise international and local conferences and seminars.

5) The Observatory will share its data base and its research with individuals and organisations that either study debt-related issues or endeavour to set up an alternative to the creditors' rule, and it will use these data and results in its campaigns.

6) The Observatory will not try to supercede organisers of campaigns on the debt for its function is to support them with information and analyses. The Observatory will be mindful of the differences among the various debt campaigns.

7) The Observatory's secretariat is taken on by CADTM Belgium. Its function is: # to develop a website

# encourage collaboration among members
# stimulate research and help to publicize results.

IDO Platform, World Social Forum, Porto Alegre, January 28th, 2005.

24 November 2011
OID-CADTM Training session 12 and 13 December 2011 : Learning in order to face up to the crisis of the European public debt

11th and 12th December, training session porposed by OID and CADTM. Understand and analyze the European debt crisis. Role of the banks, audits (…)

13 April 2010
A Summary of the CADTM activities at Havana from March 1-8, 2010

Several members of the CADTM Network participated in the Conference on Globalization and Development Problems held in Havana the first week of (…)

8 December 2008
International Debt Observatory 3rd residential TRAINING COURSE- From 8 December to 9 December

International Debt Observatory 3rd residential TRAINING COURSE Organised by CADTM (Committee for the Abolition of Third World Debt) (…)

24 October 2005
[PRESS REVIEW] The International Debt Observatory is launched in Brussels
(only in French)

12 October 2005
IDO First Economic and Historic Training Session
(only in French and Spanish)

The International Debt Observatory (IDO) organized from 12 till 14 October 2005 its first economic and historic training session in the office of (…)

10 October 2005
[PICTURES] The International Debt Observatory is launched in Brussels

On Monday 10th October, the International Debt Observatory (IDO), was launched at Parliament House in Brussels, Belgium. African, Asian and (…)

10 October 2005
[PRESS RELEASE] The International Debt Observatory is launched in Brussels

On Monday 10th October, the International Debt Observatory (IDO), was launched at Parliament House in Brussels, Belgium. African, Asian and (…)

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