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International Debt Observatory 3rd residential TRAINING COURSE- From 8 December to 9 December

8 December 2008

International Debt Observatory 3rd residential TRAINING COURSE

Organised by CADTM (Committee for the Abolition of Third World Debt)

“Crisis, Statistics and Poverty”

From Monday 8 December (10 am) to Tuesday 9 December (5.30 pm) 2008
Liege, Belgium

Monday: Theory and Reality on poverty
General introduction
Definitions and measurements of poverty and inequality
Towards alternative indicators of poverty
Case analyses: Benin, Morocco, DRC, Guinea-Conakry

Tuesday: Theory and Practice on the debt
Repercussions of the international crisis on the public debt of countries of the South
How to interpret and use World Bank charts on the debt
Use of the GDF ( Global Development Finance) CD-ROM
NB : If possible bring a laptop computer

Lecturers: Eric Berr (economist, senior lecturer at the University of Bordeaux 1V, CADTM France), Olivier Bonfond (economist, CADTM Belgium), Stéphanie Jacquemont (LEA, CADTM Belgium), Emilie Tamadaho (CADD Benin), Mimoun Rahmani (ATTAC/CADTM Morocco), Victor Nzuzi ( NAD/CADTM DRC), Claude Quemar (president of CADTM France), Eric Toussaint (politologist, CADTM Belgium) and Daniel Munevar (economist, Colombia)

Listen to the lecturers
See the photos

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